Welcome to Four Winds Strategic Insights.

Four Winds Strategic Insights
My professional experience has been in the international investment and financial arena. But my most important development has been the years of instruction from Holy Spirit about “Kingdom economics and finances”. This has taken me to many countries and connected me with other Kingdom minded, Holy Spirit filled men and women who have a heart to see the blueprint of Heaven brought to Earth.
The teachings I have been exposed to have allowed me to discern where we are in the timeline that Father has destined for His children and the Earth that He created and so loves.
My desire is to bring you insights that will help you stay in harmony with God, and what He is doing. There are many sites that try to explain what satan is doing and focus on what he is promoting. My focus is on what God is doing to release hope to those who have an ear to hear and a heart to follow our Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what!
I welcome feedback and different perspectives, so I invite you to contact me for further discussions and prayer.
Andrew Bullians

About me:
I grew up in New Zealand in the 50s and 60s and left when I was 19 for the UK. I spent several years exploring Europe before returning home to go to university. I completed a Bachelor of Commerce & Administration degree from Victoria University in Wellington, majoring in International Finance, Growth and Dynamics of nations and the Creation of Money. I had a year as an assistant economist with a national bank and 18 months with a merchant bank in Wellington, before heading back overseas.
In 1978 I started with a major Wall Street investment bank as a stockbroker in Los Angeles, California. Four years later I met the Lord and dedicated my life to Him, where I tried to help Him finance His Kingdom. After fifteen years all came crashing down when He told me He didn’t need my money, only my heart! That resulted in me letting everything go and embarking on a Holy Spirit-led journey with Him into Kingdom finances in 1997.
I returned to New Zealand in September 2016 to a country I did not recognise. (I had been away for just over 39 years). In 2017 I started Four Winds Enterprises as my consulting company and now, with the global insights God had given me the privilege to experience, I want to bring these through the Four Winds Strategic Insights. Please sign up here for regular posts.
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My desire is to bring you insights that will help you stay in harmony with God, and what He is doing. There are many sites that try to explain what satan is doing and focus on what he is promoting. My focus is on what God is doing to release hope to those who have an ear to hear and a heart to follow our Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what!