17 November 2023
Since 7th October the shakings have intensified. Hamas invasion of the modern state of Israel seems carefully planned and timed to coincide with the end of the Feast of Tabernacles in the Jewish calendar. Many media voices are now declaring this is the start of World War Three and the global reset the elite have been preparing. The arrogance of the architects for the pursuit of global dominance never ceases to amaze me, as if they can thwart the plans of God who will bring all nations into alignment with His will and purpose. The creator of the universe laughs (Psalm 2:4) and because of His mercy He allows much evil to go unabated in the hopes that those under the influence of demonic forces will see the errors of their ways, repent and turn to serve the one true God. Alas, time has run out and those who have been perpetrating this evil will now reap the consequences on their own heads.
October 7th was also a wakeup call for the Lion’s Army that I have written about before. These are the remnant that have accepted the invitation to be enlisted to carry out Father God’s judgment in the earth. Psalm 2 makes it clear that Christ’s body on earth will be used to “break them (the nations) with a rod of iron and dash them to pieces like a Potters vessel.” The leaders, the kings, and the judges in the earth realm, are instructed to be wise and serve the Lord Jehovah with fear, and therefore rejoice with trembling. The alternative is to perish when His wrath is kindled.

The glorious remnant is answering the call to put away their comfortable lives and put on the whole armour of God. Allowing themselves to be used by Holy Spirit to bring about God’s wrath in a way that God wants to be demonstrated to a rebellious world. The spirit of deception has increased in the past three years with many people now oblivious to the real truth as opposed to the false lies. Many people’s consciences have been seared or hardened by all the deception and lies, and now don’t know what is right or wrong anymore. The result is that many now go about their own lives doing what they seem right in their own eyes irrespective of the consequences to others around them.
However, Kingdom men and women are standing up for truth and righteousness and are being recognized as lights in a dark world. They’ve been prepared in the fires of refining and now are coming forth under the resurrection power of Holy Spirit to take their positions on the battlefield. The scripture God highlighted to me was Exodus 14:14, which says, “the Lord Yahweh will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

God is calling us all to enter His rest (Hebrews 4:10 and 11) and remain in Christ, the Prince of Peace, as God releases His judgment over the nations. We can either look at the chaos or wars in light of the nations fighting each other for worldly resources or look at it from God’s perspective. His love for His creation causes correction to disobedience, just like a loving father corrects his children to teach them the right way to live (Proverbs 3:12 and Hebrews 12:8 and 9). How does He correct nations who are disobedient? By raising up other nations to shake them up and either take them into captivity like Judah taken to Babylon (a wooden yoke) or rule them by occupation by an iron yoke (like Rome). The ancient nations of Israel and Judah have been our examples.
Jesus warned us of wars and rumours of wars, and great shakings that must happen before the end of the age. We are seeing that now as God’s glory is invading earth through the Kingdom sons and daughters, with the result that the demonic forces are panicking. They know their time is very short, and those under their influence are trying everything to fulfil their demonic agenda as quickly as possible. However, I believe that they will be thwarted from carrying out their plans as God overshadows them with His master plan.
The times ahead are shaping up to be a mighty clash of the Kingdom of Light and Truth, with the failing Darkness orchestrated by satanic forces. We will see much disruption in the economic and financial systems of the world, as God allows the shaking to reach every part of society. Financial failures will continue globally, and economic recession will impact many nations. This is the fruit of all the evil lies that have been sown in the past. The Genesis principle is very evident today – ‘you shall reap the fruit of what you sow’ – producing after its own kind.
In New Zealand, we are now five weeks from the national election and still no government has been formed. Three parties are trying to work out a solution to their differing policies and agendas in order to govern the nation. It seems God is shaking up this nation to expose any hidden agendas and reveal to the public the truth about their choice of government. In my opinion the next three years will be marked by political stalemate after stalemate and nothing much will be done to advance the economic future of New Zealand. Indeed, the unrighteousness that still pervades our government leaders cannot stand the shaking that is happening in the world. We will be caught in a political arena of conflict from within as the world’s economic woes intensify.
Positioning ourselves for this glorious shaking is foremost on our hearts at this time. The emergence of true Kingdom men and women, who have died to self-agenda and are being led by Holy Spirit, are coming forth with a loud voice for truth and freedom from the tyranny that is being propagated throughout the world. Unfortunately, very few are awake to hear the sound from Heaven – but they will be shaken awake as God unveils His agenda for the world.
As the global political scene is being shaken, gold is ready for a major move to upside as a safe-haven, and as the financial markets are being shaken, cryptos are again coming into the spotlight. For those in New Zealand interested in purchasing precious metals, I recommend The Gold House (www.thegoldhouse.co.nz).
I leave you with a quote I read this week: “The glory of the Lord has risen upon me. I am God’s glory carrier. My future is bright, and glory is my destiny!”

Four Winds Strategic Insights is a publication of Four Winds Enterprises, an international economic and business consultant for Kingdom ventures. www.fourwindsstrategicinsights.com