New Era of Glory
New Era of Glory
Several years ago, the Lord shared with me that the world’s system would “implode”, and the Kingdom system would be revealed. I have waited and watched world events and continued to enquire of the Lord to show me what He was doing and what my role would be. I believe I am (we are) seeing that time unfold before our eyes – now!
Revelation 14:8 declares: “Babylon is fallen” and now we see the global village disintegrating and division is happening at an accelerated pace. The Lord is allowing the war in the Ukraine and sanctions against Russia to be used to split the nations. Satan’s goal of a one world empire is being thwarted at every turn, and those who are awake can see the desperation in the enemy’s arrogant tactics.
Two prophetic words these last few weeks have confirmed what I have been teaching about the revealing of the Sons of Glory. The first was from Marsha Burns (
) in her teaching entitled “New Era”. The second was from Lana Vawser (
), when the Lord spoke to her in a recent dream and said: Here comes the Glory of the Lord. The next day after I read this, I heard that the price of gold (glory) had risen significantly – gold and glory are related.
The glory represents the presence of the Lord and His Holy Spirit as it hovers over the Earth to bring forth the Will of God. This causes shakings in several ways. One such way is the exposure of evil as Divine Light to released, another is removal of people who are being used for evil means that are restricting the Will of God, and another is empowering those who have laid down their lives to build the Kingdom of God in the Earth.
We can see all of these happening around us as truth is exposing lies, people in political positions are being removed and Kingdom men and women are arising to their Kingdom positions. I believe we are in the transition between what was: the Babylonian – evil system, and what will be: the Kingdom of God – Heaven’s system brought to Earth. The confirmation for me is that the financial markets of the world’s system are imploding and nothing the world system can do will stop them.
Judgement is here.
On the other side, the building of the Ekklesia (governing remnant of the Body of Christ) has begun, with apostolic/prophetic groups of Kingdom minded men and women realising that they have a significant and important role to play in the unfolding of the Kingdom on Earth.
May I encourage us all to continue to press into the Lord to receive our specific assignments in the unfolding New Era of His Glory.
Four Winds Strategic Insights is a publication of Four Winds Enterprises, an international economic and business consultant for Kingdom ventures. www.fourwindsstrategicinsights.com