Simplify – take your Kingdom position

The walls are coming down that have protected the world system of corruption from being exposed. Little by little the cracks are showing, and exposure is inevitable. It is imperative that we seek the Lord for clarity of our Kingdom position as these walls come down. Hardships and persecution are sent to challenge us and intimidate us, but God has strengthened us to come through the narrow path into the clearing.


Crowns are mentioned in the Bible and represent the principality or dominion that we have been assigned to rule over with all that government mantle brings. On several occasions recently I have experienced some of my close associates realizing that their crowns had been damaged or knocked off in this last season.

They have now made the necessary adjustment so that they can enter their position. Satan is desperate to keep us from our positions, where we also receive the sceptre to rule and reign. This sceptre is the power to bring judgement from that assigned arena. And judgement is definitely coming. The enemy is fighting back, and in their desperation, they will try every trick in their play-book to try to hold onto power. They will use whatever means necessary to achieve their desired goal. Their season in coming to an end though.

The Hebrew month of Elul

The Hebrew month of Elul (started 28th August) brings us into a preparation season where we have favour to seek the Lord for His exact positioning for us.  As I have written before, I believe the world is in a transition period that will culminate with the Feast of Tabernacles just before the US elections in 2024. The transition is the period where we see the worldly systems crumbling, and the Kingdom of God being established. The Kingdom will release its forces of love, peace, righteousness, justice, truth, and freedom.  Not freedom to do what we want to do, but freedom from the bondage of corruption that has been perpetrated on the nations of the Earth.  It will be a freedom to experience the Kingdom of God, experience the grace and mercy of our King Jesus Christ, and make a heart decision to come into right standing with the Creator of the Universe (see 1 Corinthians 6:12).

The world economies

In an attempt to try to stop the loss of control, Satan’s minions will attempt to crash the world economies. We see the start of this as I wrote last time in The Turbulent Times. Raising interest rates, under the guise of stopping inflation, is designed to bring the financially inflated assets (stocks, bonds, houses, real estate) crashing, so these assets can be acquired by a few international controlled institutions. After years of cheap money being pumped into the economies of the world, pushing up the price of everything, can we really expect that raising interest rates a few percentage points will make a difference to inflation? No! The only real tool the governments have to curb inflation is higher interest rates to slow economic growth and reduce consumption by causing unemployment to rise. This will cause major unrest among the people of the nations as we are seeing in several countries already.

You have probably seen that major corporations in New Zealand and globally are experiencing record profits following the pandemic. In America it was just reported that the corporations have experienced the widest profit margin since 1950. In New Zealand corporations are expected to report an increase of profits by 60% in the last two years. Alternatively, the small to medium size businesses have been squeezed out of the market due to the pandemic and lockdowns resulting in record foreclosures and bankruptcies. You could almost see the clever design behind this scenario!

Unemployment is on the rise and real assets are falling further. In New Zealand the Real Estate Institute Price Index in down 8% since the peak in November 2021. This is somewhat misleading as the Money Supply (M1) was increased by 75% since the pandemic hit and fuelled house price increases by 50%. As some stage, governments will step in with more money that will be injected into the world’s economies to try to stop the assets from crashing, but it will only cause hyperinflation. Hyperinflation will cause famine for the world, and gross spiritual darkness will blind the people’s eyes to see what is happening to them. The world is slowly experiencing the split between those that follow the Light and those who follow darkness and reject truth (Isaiah 60:2). Unfortunately, many will be those who love their wicked ways more than God.

However, financial resources in the hands of Kingdom men and women will produce ‘cities of refuge’ and safe-haven places that will be set apart from the world’s collapsing structure. Many of these Kingdom men and women are simplifying their lives as they prepare for very exciting but challenging times ahead. The establishing of these places will cause a mass migration away from the corrupt government narrative as the truth comes out.

From a practical point of view, it is time to trust in the Lord’s plan being implemented to overturn the moneychangers’ tables. It is time to agree with Him and decree confusion and panic into the establishment structures, decree that all lies and deception will be exposed, and decree truth will supersede manipulated facts. It is time to seek the Lord to simplify our lives and remove all distractions that take us away from the Kingdom position assigned to us. It is in this unique position that each of us has been called to occupy and represent our King Jesus. It is time to receive all the resources, spiritual and physical, that are assigned to your position.

Four Winds Strategic Insights is a publication of Four Winds Enterprises, an international economic and business consultant for Kingdom ventures.

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