Kingdom Men Rising
On Saturday morning, May 28th, 2022 I had the privilege of sharing my testimony and strategic insights to a group of men in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. It was the time of Ascension when Jesus ascended to Heaven to be seated at Father’s right hand, and most of the men present were ready to take their position in the place of Authority as we are all in Christ. It was very encouraging.
The men’s group was started about 5 years ago and called “Kingdom Men”. This was interesting to me as I believe 2017 was a pivotal point in history as it marked the spiritual end of the Babylonian rule (One World Order). In Jeremiah 27:4-8, God gave Nebuchadnezzar the Dominion Mandate to rule the nations. Their allotted time ended in 2017, which was confirmed by a few events we witnessed. This then released the gathering of Kings under The King, to become trustees of the resources of the world for the Glory of God.
The main theme of the meeting was the unity that God is doing in raising up Godly men to take their Kingdom positions so they can receive their Kingdom assignments.
As this area of New Zealand is called the ‘Bay of Plenty’ it produces an abundance of crops and produce for the food markets nationally and internationally. The common observation that was expressed was the lack of access to markets for their excellent products. The call to gather to receive Father’s answer to this dilemma was clear and resounding.
The discussions ended with several farmers, growers and farm consultants desiring to come together to find His solution. From my international travels and global connections in the Body of Christ with other Kingdom businessmen and women, I plan to explore the alliances that can be formed to help the food producers in each nation.
One of the key elements I wanted to convey was that we can’t keep looking at the world system, which will produce hopelessness and fear. God is in control, and it is the best of times to be in the Kingdom, but the worst of times if you are relying on the world. I see cracks in the global system as globalisation has backfired and is in steep decline. The recent gathering at Davos of the international elite, hosted by the World Economic Forum, showed infighting and division that will only cause more disruption. The African rejection of the WHO health amendments also sends a clear message of division.
As an international economist with a Heavenly perspective, I keep my eyes on Jesus and enquire of Him what Father is doing so that we can get in sync with His plans and purposes. The world elite have had their day and the dark clouds of judgement are descending on them rapidly. They cannot escape the Hand of God.
On the other hand, God is raising up Kingdom Men in all the nations and supernaturally linking us together. Entrepreneurs are being resourced with men and women of expertise, intercessors, and financiers, so that they can be released to fulfil their God-given assignment or mandate. Nothing can stop that now!
The financial markets of the world are being judged for their manipulation and control. Interest rates around the world are being raised in an unprecedented way not seen in twenty years. The only true safe haven is to be hidden in the secret place of His presence and only do what He tells us to do.
Many years ago, God showed me the correlation between the price of gold and the release of His Glory in the earth. Over the decades we have come to realise that the price of gold has been suppressed by the world system. This is a well-known fact in the global financial markets. I find it interesting that the main producers of gold, which came to be known as the BRICS nations, are having significant outpourings of Holy Spirit as the glory of God is released in their nations. As we come into Pentecost on the 5/6th of June, it will be interesting to watch the reaction of the price of gold after that date.
We were blessed to have in attendance the ONE Party Candidate for the upcome Tauranga by-election, Allan Cawood. His is also the co-leader of the ONE Party – a Kingdom-focussed political party being raised up by God for the new season that we are entering. Allan was able to share some of the policies that the One Party would champion once he is elected, which would cause major positive changes to the economy and New Zealand in general.
We have many exciting times ahead as Kingdom Men. Please join our mailing list for further posts.
Four Winds Strategic Insights is a publication of Four Winds Enterprises, an international economic and business consultant for Kingdom ventures. www.fourwindsstrategicinsights.com